Word Doc, Font size 12, Doubled spaced.

Word Doc, Font size 12, Doubled spaced.

Statistically, children are the most creative people on the planet, but creativity is unlearned and, most of the time, never relearned.

As a child, I attended a private charter school that required a multitude of tests in order to become enrolled. Here is where my creativity was unlearned.

A Word Doc, Front size 12, Double spaced.

The phrase that oppresses college students, puts them into a box, and enforces the unlearning of creativity.

Here I have finally learned my true creative potential and am confident in my ability to express my full self.

By: Alena Givens
Year: Sophomore
Major: Accountancy and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Fun Fact: I'm an only child

Stop Thinking and Go To Sleep!

Stop Thinking and Go To Sleep!

The Small Things in Life

The Small Things in Life