Counting Hours
I was born December 3rd, 2001. That means I am 21 years old. More specifically, I’m 191,328
hours old. Assuming I got 8 hours of sleep everyday, I have been awake for 127,552 hours.
127,552 hours. How much of that was spent doing something I hated? Worrying about
something I had no control over? No matter what I do, I am not getting any one of those hours
I could have 500,000 hours left. Or I could have 12. Now, I really hope I have more than 12
hours left, but outside of just being cognisant of general safety I have no control over how many
hours I have left. And neither do you.
Which is why it is of utmost importance to spend every hour of every day doing what you love. I
don’t mean to shirk your responsibilities. I mean for you to look around and see if you are in a
place that makes you happy, surrounded by people that make you happy, doing what makes
you happy. And if you aren’t, change that.
In the here and now, you should be doing what you love and putting yourself in positions to do
what you love because there is no point in waiting. You don’t know how long you have to wait,
so stop waiting to be happy. Don’t put off your happiness. Because it’s just as important now, if
not more, than when you’re 60.
By: Patrick Sullivan
Year: Senior
Major: Marketing and Entrepreneurship