Break Out of Your Cycle
Rinse, wash, repeat. In today’s world, each of us is encouraged to develop our routines
and know them inside out. Sit here, say that, do this. From the time we are 5 years old, we lose
our sense of self and follow the whims of a boring alarm. But not me.
My personal ethos is intentionally vague. Each day, I tell myself to “live on a limb”. The
phrase is something my brother and I have taken to heart. We were partners in creativity from
the moment he was born. We remind each other to remember the curiosity of our childhoods
and use it to maximize our day-to-day lives. It is our agreement to each other to break out of our
cyclical, boring lives.
Creativity is an ongoing pursuit. Creativity is not easy, which is why I have to constantly
remind myself to take risks. But, the end result is worth the struggle.
It is my mission that I find something unique to challenge myself each day. Whether it’s
talking making a new friend, eating a different food, or learning about something new, I’m always
breaking my boundaries. To me, there is never a dull moment, so long as you find a reason for it
not to be. I strive to make each day meaningful and memorable. Don’t see your day as a list of
things to get done. Rather, treat it how it deserves to be - an opportunity to push the boundaries
and grow.
By: Connor Oviatt
Year: Sophomore
Major: Business Analytics and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Akron, OH
Fun Fact: I was born in the same hospital as LeBron James and Steph Curry