I was that kid who painstakingly collected and saved my stickers and craft supplies for a better occasion of use and then ... Never. Used. The. Dang. Stickers. Because God forbid I waste them. Or create with them.
This picture would be considered a SCANDAL by young me. My internal 10-year-old stationary hoarder is screaming.
“What a waste!” “What a mess!”
Over the past 6 months I’ve done a lot of crazy travel, had a lot of amazing
conversations and my brain has been jam packed with inspiration. Whenever I go through these amazing life periods, I get in touch with an innate desire to dig in and make stuff.
I call myself a creative but rarely do I get my hands dirty and create something for the sake of celebrating and growing my creative energy. I always say I want to create for the joy of it ... and it’s true ... I DO! But then life happens … and I don’t.
I’m back in my regular routine and I want something to change. I want to create for recreation more often. I often say I’m not creating because my life is in the way but the reality is that creating things always gives me life. Sounds a little backwards to me.
To begin I scheduled a fun afternoon. I used those stickers and got in touch with my inner creative child while creating the picture above. It kicked off a 10-day personal challenge of intentionally following where my creative energy leads me daily, even if it was just for 15 minutes. It was one of the most lifegiving 10-day stretches I can remember.
Create for the joy of it. Silence that VOJ. Take the pressure off. Use those stickers. Those markers. Some paint. Pull your sewing machine out. Sing a song. Doodle in your notes. Have some fun! Let those creative juices freely flow!
Creativity is a practice. Creating for recreation is a need.