It has been approximately six months since I wrote my last blog post while taking ESP 252 last semester. In short, I wrote about the fact that I was entirely a factory monkey, shoulding all the time and was in the process of beginning to discover creativity.
I can say in this time, I have struggled, failed and succeeded, but mostly failed. Before this class, I hated to fail and would be lying if I said I still didn’t. I am learning to change my mindset of a failure. This has been put into practice recently as I have begun the full-time job search. Two weeks ago I got a rejection email for a job that I believed was “the one” yet here I am, writing about how glad I was to receive that email. I got in contact with the HR coordinator and she gave me ideas of different positions that would better suit my skillset. If I wouldn’t have been open to exploring my failure, I would have deleted that email, feeling pissed off all night, and never reached back out. This small example of a failure that turned into a better opportunity is just one example that can and will lead to many more in the future.