Creativity is something that is practiced. Photography is an art that lets me test my imagination to have compelling results. Very rarely, can I make something creative on the first try. I go for quantity, so to get one great image I take close to fifty other pictures. After taking each picture, I examine them and ask myself questions like, “how can I improve this picture?”, “how should I change my angle?”, and “what can set this photo apart?”. Once I start brainstorming and answering my own questions, I start to produce exceptional results.
Acceptance and awe drives my creativity. After I create a piece, it is my goal to be pleased with what I have done and for others to acknowledge and be wowed by the outcome. This does not just go for photography but for all of my work. I give myself constraints because I have found with constraining myself, the struggle forces me to think more creatively. I give myself deadlines to have things completed by a certain time and limit myself to the tools I need to make something. When I have all of the time and resources in the world, I do not tend to accomplish anything with much originality. The challenge of creating something and making it unique fuels the impact of my endeavors. When I have overcome a challenge and made a remarkable end result, I feel satisfaction and accomplishment. That feeling is what makes me want to keep creating.