Personally it is hard for me to think creatively without starting with some inspiration. I like to
look at what others have done and think of ways I can make it my own. Some questions I like to
start with are: how can I add my personal brand to this or what aspects of this can I bring into
my own projects? Beginning with inspiration helps ignite my creative thinking because I can see
how others have thought and either take pieces or attempt their process completely
differently. I often catch myself asking ‘How could this be improved?’ in my everyday life. When
I innovate, I think it’s incredibly important to get my idea/solution/etc. in the hands of as many
people as possible. Although you don’t always necessarily have to listen to their advice, I think
it’s vital to at least take the time to hear what others think. This is a constant struggle in my
creativity thinking. My VOJ often comes out when getting feedback but it is necessary to silence
this. I believe the fear of missed opportunity is what drives my creativity. This fear fuels me to
think in ways that might not be completely conventional.