Practice Makes Progress
It's a common saying: "Practice makes perfect." But what if I said that perfection is not the goal of practice? What if I said to you that it's progress, not perfection, that is the thing that really matters?
In today’s modern society, we often feel the pressure to be perfect in everything we do. From our careers to our personal lives, we strive to do everything right and have flawless outcomes. We are constantly bombarded with social media’s expectations and feel the need to meet those unrealistic standards.
However, the reality is that perfection is an unattainable goal. It is something ideal that can never be fully reached because it's subjective and always changing. What may seem perfect to one person may not be to another. This constant pursuit of trying to be perfect can lead to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and even burning out.
On the other hand, progress is something that can actually be measured. When you focus on moving forward, making improvements, and learning lessons along the way. Progress acknowledges that we are constantly evolving, growing and developing.
When we shift our mindset from perfection to progress, we open ourselves up so manymore possibilities. We allow ourselves to make mistakes and learn from them withoutself-judgment. We embrace these challenges and opportunities to grow and become successful.Perfection doesn’t matter, its progress that truly does.
By: Eva Motta
Year: Freshman
Major: Kinesiology
Hometown: Oxford, Ohio
Fun Fact: I work at Bagel and Deli