Failure is a scary thing.
I almost walked out in front of a bus today. Not on purpose, mind you, but I was on my phone and not really paying attention to my immediate surroundings. I started to cross and then saw the bus coming at me, had a deer in headlights moment, and stumbled back. When I looked up, I made eye contact with this girl in a car and she saw me and my somewhat near death experience and awkward recovery.
Failure is a funny thing.
I’ve always had this view of failure that is strikingly similar to Armageddon. If I mess up or don’t do something perfectly or someone sees me almost jump in front of a bus, I’ll be personally and publicly ridiculed and then the earthquakes start and lava rises to earth’s surface and simultaneously there is a meteor headed straight towards us and humanity is on its last leg. And caused that! Me!
Well, at least that’s what should have happened after the bus almost flattened me and this girl saw it and I totally just looked awkward and uncoordinated. Surprisingly, she laughed a little and then I laughed a little and then she drove off and then I crossed the street and went about my way, slightly more aware of my surroundings.
Failure is a good thing.