The Unconventional Professional

The Unconventional Professional

Leadership is quite like this: Twist it! Turn it! Bop it! Pull it!

As Pete Rose put it, “Some people need a pat on the back, some need a kick in the ass, and some need to be left alone. A great leader knows when to do them and to whom.”

Have you met someone who was this attentive to those they lead and adaptable in their leadership and coaching style? Taking this into account seems unconventional, right?

The idea sounds like the moral thing to do, but putting it into practice…gosh…that’s another thing. It’s harder since we have to hold ourselves accountable but whatever.

How it can feel like: 

Nonetheless, the values I take from being an unconventional professional aid me in knowing how to support others and be there for them even when working in the most mundane situations. 

By: Jack Isphording

Year: Sophomore

Major: Organizational Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Fun Fact: I am originally from Angeles City, Philippines

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