Figure it out, Fast

Figure it out, Fast

The story of how I used creativity to cheat death.

Last winter I decided to go steelhead fishing in a secret tributary off the Grand River. What I failed to

consider was that it had rained the night before and we were experiencing a snowmelt. This caused the

normally very shallow tributary to be three to four times as deep as it normally is with hiking trails

becoming rivers themselves. The conditions were unfishable, the water was dirty and moving at

dangerous speeds. I decided to make a few casts since I made the trip. This was a fatal mistake.

I took a step into what used to be a hiking trail but is now a river. That step never ends. I am completely

submerged under the frigid water. I can’t touch the bottom, my waders are filling up with water acting

as an anchor dragging me down to the bottom. I must think quickly, I look up and see a small bush

through the murky water on the bank. I take the lure on the end of my rod and hook the bush. It was

just enough to get my head above water so that I could grab tree roots and drag myself to safety.

By: Aidan McLaughlin

Year: Junior 

Major: Strategic Communication

Hometown: Kirtland, OH

Fun Fact: I love to go fishing.

The Unconventional Professional

The Unconventional Professional

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Confuse Them For A Living