A couple weeks ago during class I asked a question about an activity we were doing in class and
Friedman responded, “I don’t know, Dankify it.” This phrase has stuck in my brain ever since.
With a last name like Dankmyer I have had many nicknames throughout my life. Dank being the
most common with some interesting ones like “Skankmyer”, “Stankmyer,” “Cdank” and the list
goes on and on. I’ve had a lot of nicknames but I have never had someone use my name as a
verb. This use of my name has made me start asking questions about what Dankify means to
me and how I can live out the true meaning of the word.
What does Dankify mean? How can I Dankify something? Is Dankify a good or a bad thing? How
can I Dankify different aspects of my life?
I came to a conclusion and created a new word to add to my vocabulary...
Dankify verb
Dankified; dankifying
1. To step back, regroup and reproach a situation in a loud and dramatic manner, often
used in problem solving.