I can learn all my life, I could stay in school for years.
I can read every book by every lifestyle guru under the very sun.
I can learn every exercise, tool, and trick.
I could take notes on every article that preaches on how to be an overnight success.
I can practice it all once or twice,
Or revisit the material a few times a year.
I could even dream up a big, detailed plan for how my life will change,
Or how I plan to grow “from here on out.”
But until my learning becomes a daily act,
Until I let my wisdom transform my second by second world,
My life will be nothing at all.
Everything will remain the same.
Nothing excellent comes awake overnight.
I have found that true growth or “worth it” work comes from simply showing up -
Every. Single. Day.
My ultimate goal is to mold my daily life into living my dream --
Imbedding progress steps into common rhythms & routines.
To stop looking towards next month, or next year to begin becoming,
But instead seize my very next second, instead.
Real progress really lies in small steps and everyday action.
Own your every second. Change your every day.
It is in transforming the ordinary where our lives become extraordinary.
Be a habitual creative.
& you will be creative for life.