When I was manufactured, circa 1998, I was born with a malfunction.
I did not come with an “off” button.
Much to my creators’ dismay growing up, this constant state of “on” is my greatest asset.
Seriously, I cannot shut it off.
It’s all okay, no clinical intervention is yet needed.
But to ensure I am striving to be creative and innovative, I know it is not just up to my mind and
my actions. To be fully self-taught is to fall short. So, I am receptive and selfish in taking from
the minds around me. In other words, I’m onto you.
My cache includes: my memory of an elephant of times past, combined with the collection of
experiences in the present, meant to marry with the space I reserve in my mind to synthesize
who I am consuming, what I am consuming. This makes my human capital and creative process
exist in the first place.
Thank you, all, for supplying me with your minds to work with, to learn from.
I function best and create more from all that you have taught me.
Carry on.