The Girl In the Mirror
I grew up with a competitive mindset. I was always trying to one-up the guys in school or sports and competing with numbers and standards set by the grades above me. I was trying to build the best outfit before school to stand out against the other girls. This made me feel awful every time I failed or was not able to beat this standard of competition that other people had set.
After 18 years, I am just now figuring out that this way of thinking is exhausting. Not only are you keeping taps on your success, but the success of everyone around you. This first year at University has allowed me to redevelop my definition of competition to be about myself and not the numbers and standards set by people that I don’t even know
Once I started competing against myself, my whole mindset began to change. I can focus on what I am passionate about. I can set achievable standards that I am proud of. I can be my challenge and compete against the girl in the mirror rather than somebody else's dreams. And better yet when I fail, I can personally schedule a rematch against the girl in the mirror.
When I looked in the mirror I used to see a reflection of someone I didn't recognize A figure created by the world and her standers
A rule follower
An incomplete person
When I looked in the mirror I would see all my flaws
The things I was not
The things that the other girls were
A want to be a copy of society and all of her perfection
When I looked in the mirror I saw all my achievements
That I didn't even want
Achievements that I had to accomplish only because somebody told me I should A competitor in other people's games
Then I changed
When I look in the mirror am proud to see the biggest opponent that I will ever face I see somebody who fights to win the battles that she is passionate about A girl who is the top competitor in her own game
By: Faith McMahon
Year: Freshman
Major: Finance with a co-major in Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Breckenridge, Colorado
Fun fact: My middle name has 21 letters in it. Come and ask me about it!