Oh, The Places You Should Go!

Oh, The Places You Should Go!

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” said Dr. Suess. What he didn’t say is “Oh, all the experiences you’ll have, people you’ll meet, tears you’ll cry, culture you’ll learn, food you’ll try, and love you’ll feel.

Over the past year, it has never been more evident to me to change my physical space and get a new perspective. I spent around half the outside of the United States last year, constantly fueling my creativity. My creativity thrives in new environments while engaging in new experiences.

Creativity has suffered in a society where we have become so accustomed to feeling comfortable in not getting uncomfortable.

There is so much to be inspired from in new places traveled to, far or right outside your house. Create goals, big and small.

I hope to travel to Antarctica before the age of thirty.

I will try a new restaurant before the semester is over.

Change your stimuli. Create new experiences. You’re off to great places! Your mountain is waiting.

Name: Haley Nadler

Year: Junior

Major: American Studies and Entrepreneurship

Hometown: Randolph, New Jersey

Fun fact: I was named after Haly’s Comet

Racing, Running, Rising to the Top

Racing, Running, Rising to the Top

Yes Man

Yes Man