Little Miss ChatterBox
“Hadley stop talking and listen.”
“Hadley participates and does well in class but she needs to pay attention instead of chatting.” “Hadley’s assigned seating had to be separated from Avery because she doesn’t stop talking.”
“Hadley keeps speaking for her little sister. She needs to learn to listen and let Ashby speak for herself”
From all the way back in elementary school until now I have been the girl who does not stop talking. I was the little girl who had on her report card from every teacher “Hadley talks too much during class.”It was, and still sometimes is my number one personality trait.
The summer of 3rd grade I lived in a blue t-shirt with Little Miss Chatterbox slapped right on the front and center.
Throughout my years of growing up and being told the same thing over and over, I have learned the power of listening. I have endless creative ideas culminating inside of my head, but learning to listen has allowed me to open up my mind to the boundless creativity other people around me have as well.
Without listening, I would be limited to only my creativity and not be able to experience the amazing creative thoughts and experiences that the world and people around me have to offer.
By: Hadley Evans
Year: Junior
Major: Economics
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fun Fact: I am left-handed