Making Failure Fun

Making Failure Fun

Failure has always been one of my biggest fears.

It has been ingrained in my brain from my earliest memories that I should always strive to be

good enough, or likable enough, or palatable enough for those around me.

These habits have subconsciously made me terrified to step outside of my comfort zone, and

have also deterred me from taking creative risks. In turn, I have never considered myself to be

very creative and lack confidence in my creative abilities.

My internal voice of judgment is LOUD, and I have found that I quickly shut down many unique

or innovative ideas that I come up with before even truly considering the potential they have to

be great.

While this may seem obvious, I have just recently realized that this is out of a deeply rooted fear

of failure.

While taking this class, along with my other entrepreneurship and creativity-based classes, I have

begun to come to terms with the fact that failure may not be the absolute worst case scenario.

In fact, my newest personal pursuit is to begin teaching myself to find ways to make failure fun.

Instead of letting a small setback or creative failure ruin my day or discourage me further, I am

striving to digest the feedback I receive and learn from it.

By making failure more fun, creativity will seem far less daunting and I will feel capable of

achieving so much more!

Name: Maggie Kinzer

Year: Junior

Major: Finance

Minor: Entrepreneurship

Hometown: East Lansing, MI

Fun Fact: I am named after both of my grandmas!

Fail Like Little You Once Did

Fail Like Little You Once Did

Creativity Outside of the Classroom

Creativity Outside of the Classroom