Google “innovators”. The results: Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Marie Curie, etc. One invented the light bulb. One developed Apple. One discovered two new elements on the periodic table.
Okay, I cannot do anything close to that. I often get scared off by how scary and big-sounding the word innovation sounds. However, I come to the realization that all of these life-changing, remarkable innovations start from small bugs in everyday life. These famous innovators are just like me. They find things that frustrate them in their everyday life and make efforts trying to improve the process, to resolve their bugs. However, those innovations which make them famous are not a one-time thing. In fact, they have to go through rounds and rounds of practicing seemingly unimpressive innovation - improve a cooking recipe, find a new way to solve a math exercise, or figure out the fastest way to get home from work - to achieve an innovator’s mindset.
So, from now on, even if I think my innovation is unimpressive, I will just go for it.