Changing it up

Changing it up

If you’re anything like me, you easily fall into a routine. Whether it is the way I get ready in the

morning, the way I walk to class, or the way I complete homework, I have a specific way that I

like to do things. Recently, I realized that I was limiting myself by sticking to my routine.

Sticking to my routine did not allow for any new ideas. There was no room for new inspiration as

I was experiencing the same things every day. I have learned that changing up my routine has

helped kindle my creativity.

When you experience different things each day, even if they are just slightly different, you begin

to look at things in a different way. When you purposely change up your routine it forces you to

change how you think. Fostering your creativity comes more naturally when you consistently

change it up.

So, I challenge you to change it up, even if only a little. Take a different route to class. Listen to

a new playlist. Travel to places you’ve never been before. Dye your hair. Change up that

morning routine. Keep it interesting and cultivate your creativity.

By: Grace Olding

Year : Senior

Major : Marketing Major, Entrepreneurship Minor

Hometown : Sidney, Ohio

3 keywords : creativity, change, live

Fun fact : I have traveled to 17 countries

to be creative is to feel.

to be creative is to feel.

Listen to your Inner Child

Listen to your Inner Child