Everyone has their drink of choice when trying to wake up in the morning or to stay awake at night. I found out that mine is Redbull. I knew it was Redbull because coffee does nothing to me, but if I drink Redbull at night, I turn into this creative machine. You heard that right… I get creative. Me being a night owl and a Redbull drinker was the perfect combination for me to release my voice of judgement and just go for any idea that popped in my head. Ideas from bug lists that I have formed throughout the years as being a graphic designer or designs for a new tattoo. I tried every idea imaginable and I was not tired.
I feel like that is my main weakness, no motivation, especially during Covid. The moment I sit down and just allow myself to relax and not get anxious on whether or not I am doing something right, I become more positive and creative. One could say I “stopped and smelled the roses”. And no this is not a Redbull advertisement.