Creativity is the most effective when inspired. I always believed that I was not a creative person. As I went through high school as an AP and honors student, I felt I was not creative. As I went through four year of a very structured and rigid military life, I felt I was not creative. When I feel the pressure of things that I am not inspired by, I feel as though I am not creative. It isn’t that I lack creativity. It is that I was not surrounding myself with things that inspired me. Now more than ever I surround myself with things that truly inspire me, because when I am inspired, I can’t stop the creativity. My mind races with possibility and ideas, sometimes too fast to get down on paper. I feel creative thoughts pop up when I’m driving or working, I ooze creativity, but again only when I am inspired by something. If you are the person who says “I’m not creative”, take a walk, dig deep, meditate, talk to a kind stranger, ask someone about their lives. Get. Inspired. Do that and creativity will just flow.