I am afraid to be vulnerable.
(Naturally, this vulnerable blog post is hard for me to share.)
I have always been afraid of people seeing me as I truly am. I am not one to share my true self with people freely and willingly.
When I asked a friend to describe me in one word, he replied, “Onion”.
I often hide behind layers of humor and charm, but in my inner layers I am battling.
Every day I am in a battle against temptation; a battle against the clock; a battle against distraction; a battle against people’s view of me, a battle against my view of myself.
I get frustrated with hard work, and I get annoyed with people.
I am addicted to people liking me.
I want to be good enough; but I do not want to be too good to become noticeable.
I fear that I am inadequate, yet I also fear I am powerful beyond all measure.
I’m disorganized.
I tell people that I am a free thinker and that I don’t succumb to peer pressure, but I do both of these things way more than I will admit.
I am way too good of friends with comfort.
I constantly desire to teach people something instead of just sharing who I am with them.
I abhor practicing anything; I always just want the outcome without putting in the work.
What drives my creativity?
An acknowledgement of these struggles, and yet a refusal to stay where I am.