Recently I’ve become extremely fascinated by and passionate about the Enneagram (if you’re not familiar, it’s a personality test, I highly recommend looking into it!). The knowledge of the Enneagram – my type, other people’s types, how they’re connected, etc. – has served to be extremely helpful in my creative processes.
I read a line from a book that said, “the Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box. It shows you the box you’re already in and how to get out of it.” Knowing my type has allowed me to notice routine things I do, what I turn to when I’m stressed, how I behave in times of growth, and so much more. As a One, one of the most prominent qualities I possess is the need to always do the good and right thing. My inner critic (VOJ!) is extremely loud and almost never turns off.
However, in times of security or growth, Ones take on qualities of a Seven, meaning I’m more spontaneous, fun, and open to new things … a perfect recipe for allowing myself to be creative! I’m realizing that my most creative moments are when I am relaxed, having fun, and not listening to my inner critic. The challenge is controlling the rest of my life to be able to make room for those times of security and allow the Seven in me to thrive.