They can imitate your style, but they can’t imitate your creativity.
Style is an outlet that can be a creative expression and show your true personality.
Choosing different outfits is something that I take pride in because I can choose shirts, pants, or a dress depending on my mood. When I am in a mood to look nicer, I can be creative with how I portray that. Should I wear a velvet shirt? Do I wear high heeled boots?
I can innovate new ideas with style by pairing the same different items with different accessories. I have three pairs of jeans that I mostly wear, so to innovate new outfits, I will wear different shoes, different jewelry, and different shirts to keep the outfits fresh looking.
Style drives my creativity because it is a unique outlet. I find it fascinating when someone compliments my outfit because I feel like they complimented my creativity. I will say my creative struggle might be brainstorming a ton of different options. I only will go with one of the two or three ideas. I need to learn to use the six thinking hats and other brainstorming processes to open up more ideas.
I have discovered that creativity can come in all different forms. Creativity can be shown in home decor, outfits, hair styles, meals, etc. I love this discovery because creativity shows personality.