Every once in a while, I see a Tik Tok of someone explaining new ways to steal from stores without getting caught. These people are great examples of creative thinking! They think outside the box, they have a ton of ideas, and they’re always improving and adapting! It really got me thinking about the different ways people use creativity. Every single day people use creativity when picking out an outfit (excluding nuns and nudists). People are creative when they come up with white lies to get out of something they don’t want to do. I see creativity driving around Oxford and looking at the names of houses. It’s hard to avoid creativity but when you’re forced to be creative in one area it can be difficult. Whenever I have to use some creative juices for an assignment, suddenly I am the blandest, most unoriginal person on God’s green Earth. But, whenever someone needs a party theme or a stupid name for their pet, I am the girl for the job. People’s creative drive thrives when they’re using it towards something fun or something their passionate about. I think being able to apply that creativity anywhere would be a great skill to have in life, and to get there it just takes practice.