“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do then by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
“Hello this is Doctor Aziz, is Jacob Conjerti there? We have important news for him from the Cleveland Clinic.” This is the sound I heard when my life took a 360 and I was diagnosed with my condition. It is called CPVT, a rare heart disease that took away my passion for sports and placed me in a bubble. My doctors exact words were, “We are going to try and eliminate any risks from your life so we don’t have to worry about you passing out.” Going through high school I thought my life was ruined but that’s because I let myself believe it.
It wasn’t until this year that I decided to push the envelop of risk. I was so tired of dreaming while watching others take the steps to get there. Before I used my heart condition as an excuse to get me out of anything challenging. Once I started taking small risks I figured out that failing is part of the process of becoming extraordinary and my VOJ slowly diminished. I still have not found my exact passion in the work field but I do know that every risk I take I get one step closer to finding it.
You never know what curveball life is going to hit you with, so make sure you live life to the fullest. Risks and unpredictable events make creativity flourish. It helps you envision aspects of life from different angles. So if life is feeling repetitive then silence that VOJ and take a risk because you never know what can come from it.