In my world of lackadaisicalness, I’m asked to tell you about creativity and what that means to me. I like to take the easy way out. I like to think of the first possible answer to any situation as long as it looks aesthetically appealing to my professor. I like to write a bunch of fancy sentences with big words in a row so my professors think I actually care about what they’re asking me to do when in all reality I will forget anything I learned from it an hour after. In my eyes nothing really matters unless I get a good grade on something because in all reality that’s going to determine who decides to give me an interview. Last time I checked there’s no academic transcript that measures you on a “creative” scale. What I’m saying is I like to put on a face each morning so in the eyes of my peers, professors, parents even, they’ll think I am smart and “creative”.
Does any of this sound familiar?
So yes, none of that is creative. In fact, it is pretty much the opposite. But that is essentially the world most of us live in to make it look like we are being creative. In my opinion, creativity is not necessarily a bunch of bright vivid colors drawn out on a canvas or a bunch of inspirational words on how you can make the world a better place. Creativity is a concept that exists within and throughout all of our lives.
So, am I creative enough?
The truth is, we are all creative. It doesn’t matter if you are an accountant crunching numbers, working at the local coffee shop, or a parent cleaning up the same toys off the floor every day. In each of these scenarios we are attempting to create value for a greater amount of people and for ourselves. Whether we realize it or not, our work contains a spark of creativity. In fact, our lives are creative masterpieces, like a puzzle with pieces scattered about everywhere, waiting for its spot to be found, we are the pieces trying to find where we fit and can help to fill the bigger picture.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your spot in the puzzle lacks creativity or luster or importance, every piece is necessary and beautiful.
What makes you come alive?
What do you have to offer to the world?
You are creative enough to do it.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. The world needs more people who are alive.” -Henry Thurman