One thing that I have found about creativity throughout this semester is how important your press is when creating. When your outward or inward press is not where it needs to be, the end product will certainly reflect that. In all sorts of creative presses, I have found that music is the thing that brings me into my creative mindset. My reasoning behind this statement is rooted in a few things, one being simply that another sense is stimulated. As we have talked about many times throughout the Entrepreneurship department, creativity is engaging and should immerse your whole self, not just your fingers on the keyboard. Music is a way for me to take someone else’s creation. I experience it, learn from it, and use it as inspiration for my work and life. Depending on the vigor of the project and the amount of intense focus needed, genres can change and volume may increase. Volume does increase.
This is simply another way for me to not only express myself, but find myself. Often times the world is overwhelming and I am unable to break out of the cycle of busy work and running around. All I can do is listen to the negativity that people are throwing at me and it makes me not want to create anything new. But somehow, music stops all of that. It allows us to go into our own minds and relax, realizing who we really are and accepting that where we are is right where we need to be. It allows us to relate, immerse and create everything that we are. It allows us to stop listening to the world and listen to art, and ourselves.
If you need a little help getting started, check out my playlist called ~create~ on spotify!