Validation Kills...

Validation Kills...

Living in a world saturated with opinions and advice, it becomes easy to lose sight of our own creative advantage and unique personality. Seeking validation from our peers steer us away from our unique paths of self-discovery.


We constantly turn to the opinions of others at the click of a button, in this age of digital information. Even though it can be convenient, this habit can harm our creativity, water down our personality, and effect our ingenuity. The constant need for external validation restricts us from exploring our own thoughts and desires.


One of my most influential lessons was recognizing that others’ opinions rarely align with our needs. Your peers have their own set of interests, experiences, and agendas, leaving them incapable of offering guidance that will benefit me more than my own ideas. Seeking validation from others can inadvertently sabotage our personal creativity.


Your life is a canvas, a manifestation of your dreams—an art form. Embracing both your creativity and brand propels you forward and frees you from the danger of conforming to public opinion.

By: Brayden Gotsky

Year: Junior

Major: Finance

Hometown: Cleveland

Fun Fact: My Dogs name is Cat.

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